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메이드 인 뉴욕 2019 

Made in NY 2019

Made in NY 2019 (1B)
Made in NY 2019 (2)

메이드 인 뉴욕 2019

Schweinfurth 아트 센터, 뉴욕, 미국 

2019. 3. 22 - 2019. 5. 12

Made in NY 2019

Schweinfurth Art Center, New York, NY, US

Mar 22 - May 12, 2019

"Made in NY" is an annual exhibit at the Schweinfurth that features work by artists who reside in New York State. The exhibit is open to all mediums, such as photography, sculpture, ceramics, painting, drawing, fiber, installation and video. Jurors for this year's exhibit are Marie Via, former Director of Exhibitions at Memorial Art Gallery in Rochester and Anne Novado, director of Novado Gallery. The jurors reviewed 516 artworks submitted by 280 artists, and they selected 75 works for the exhibit.

This year's artists are: 

Ahree Song, Allison Piedmonte, Andrea Buckvold, Anna Warfield, Audrey Bialke, Avani Patel, Barbara Kellogg, Barry Lobdell, Bradley Cole, Bridget Bossart van Otterloo, Bryan Valentine Thomas, Cheryl Hutchinson, Chris McEvoy, Christopher Cook, Constance Ehindero, Cynthia Cratsley, Daniel Chadwick, David Higgins, David Werberig, Despina Zografos, Diane Newton, Eric Shute, Eva Redamonti, Faithanne Flesher, Hall Groat II, Heidi Vantassel, James Skvarch, James Van Hoven, Jerry Alonzo, John Fitzsimmons, John Rodrigues, Judith Gohringer, Judith Plotner, Kate Timm, Kathryn Gabriel, Kathryn Rehrig, Karen Frutiger, Karen Sardisco, Kyle Mort, Linda Cohen, Marcie Schwartzman, Margaret VanArsdale, Michael Morgan, Michele Riche, Michele Vair, Nancy Callahan, Nancy Kieffer, Patricia Bacon, Patricia Russotti, Robert Licht, Robin Arnold, Rose Marie Popper, Russell King, Russell Serrianne, Sally Hootnick, Scott Deyett, Stefan Zoller, Stephen Carlson, Stephen Datz, Stephen Horne, Steven Specht

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